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Fáza založenia 1 - Gaštan
Prehľad kurikula základnej fázy 1

Our story of the week is, ‘Oliver’s Milkshake.’ We made strawberry and banana milkshake.
1. Our story of the week is, ‘Oliver’s Milkshake.’ We made strawberry and banana milkshake. 2. We planted cress seeds and watched them grow. 3. Look at our amazing models!

Our story of the week is, ‘Oliver’s Milkshake.’ We made strawberry and banana milkshake.

Look at our amazing models!

Our story of the week is, ‘Oliver’s Milkshake.’ We made strawberry and banana milkshake.
1. Our story of the week is, ‘Oliver’s Milkshake.’ We made strawberry and banana milkshake. 2. We planted cress seeds and watched them grow. 3. Look at our amazing models!
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