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School Uniform

School Uniform

Our uniform is a yellow polo shirt with a green sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece.

Children may wear trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores in dark grey and summer dresses in yellow or green.

Items can now be ordered direct from our supplier by clicking here, and delivered to school or to your home.

Uniform items with logos are not required and similar items can be purchased from local supermarkets at a reasonable cost.  We also regularly hold 'New to You Uniform' sessions in school when parents / carers are invited to donate and to take items which have been outgrown.  These are advertised in our regular newsletters.


PE Kit

We ask that children in Year 1 – Year 6 have a PE kit in school. PE kits should include a white t-shirt or polo shirt, black shorts and sensible trainers. We also ask that children bring long bottoms and a zip up jacket/hoodie during cooler seasons.

For safety reasons, we advise that children do not wear jewellery in school.  Stud earrings can be worn (but need to be removed by the child for PE sessions).  If children forget to remove jewellery before coming to school, it will be placed in an envelope for safekeeping and can be collected by an adult at the end of the day from the school office.

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