Ofsted information
Click here to view our latest Ofsted report
You can also view our latest Ofsted Report directly on the Ofsted website here
Understanding a school inspection report
School inspection reports will have information such as:
how well inspectors think the school is doing and what it could do to make things even better
how well pupils are doing, both in their education and their overall well-being and personal development
what parents and carers think about the school
how up to date the school buildings are, including any boarding school living accommodation
how any problems or complaints are dealt with
how the school complies with rules and regulations.
Compare school and college performance
The performance tables sit at the heart of the accountability framework. They focus the debate on standards and provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil progress and attainment. The performance tables present this information alongside wider contextual data including Ofsted judgements, absence, workforce and finance data, presenting users with a wider understanding of the setting in which schools are operating.
Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school.
You can also access ‘Parent View’ by clicking here.