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A Priory Primary School egy közösségi általános iskola, amely Hull városának nyugati részén található.  Körülbelül 430 gyermekünk van, és két évfolyamos iskolánk van. Alapítványunkon belül 52 férőhelyes óvodánk is működik.

A Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust tagja vagyunk, és a város 6 másik általános iskolájával és 2 középiskolájával együttműködünk. További információt talál a Thrive Co-Operative Learning Trust céggel kapcsolatban itt.

Current Building Performance

The following visuals provide a summary of the current performance of Priory Primary School.

This data provides an assessment of the building fabric, energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and overall building score.


As the building is an older construction, the performance of the building is rated a
moderate score on the overall performance score.

LEDs installation

Working in partnership with the C3 Group we have upgraded our lighting system throughout the school resulting in 229 LEDs, which will save us 7 tonnes of carbon. For the nine schools in the Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust that have had their lighting upgraded over the last two summer holidays, this gives a total of 104.3 tonnes of carbon saved.


Current Consumption & Emissions

The below data has mapped the consumption for carbon emissions and the percentage split of energy used, typically at Priory Primary School.

Schools' Termly Eco Challenges

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Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust
working in partnership with C3 Group

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