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Our Local Governing Body

Governors visit the school regularly to meet and talk to the children and staff. We have a Governors’ Day in school each term when they visit lessons, hold Pupil Discussions, undertake Work Scrutiny and meet with parents and teachers. They also attend events and assemblies at the school. This allows them to see how the school’s policies and plans are being put into place, how resources are used, and allows them to gather information and knowledge of the school.

Our governors are a diverse group of individuals representing the parents, school staff and the local community, with a broad range of skills and experiences. They all share a common goal to help the school develop and improve and, in doing so, to provide its children with the best education possible.

All governors are volunteers.

The Local Governing Body meets at least once a term. Governors attend training provided externally and also attend ‘in house’ LGB training each term. Our Chair, Brian Comerford, also meets with the Chairs from the other Thrive schools on a termly basis.


Governor Responsibilities

The school produces a School Development Journey (SDJ) which details the Key Priorities for improvement over the next three years and how these will be achieved. The Governors work together with the staff to ensure these key priorities are achieved. Governors work closely with the staff on the ‘Three Big Ideas’ which are three key pieces of improvement work which have been identified in the SDJ.

Meetings Dates for 2024-25

The meeting dates for the Local Governing Body meetings for the 2023-24 school year are:

Autumn 1 - 03/10/24

Autumn 2 - 28/11/24

Spring - 13/03/25

Summer - 26/06/25

Trust Board Link 2024/25


Chair of Governors​

Ann Matthews

Tel: 01482 509631

Governor's Dashboard


Governors 2024-25

Governors Attendance 2024-25

Ann Matthews    

Role: Chair of Governors
Business Interests: None

I became chair of governors at the beginning of the Spring Term 2024. I had recently retired from Priory Primary School having held the position of Pastoral Lead and DDSL for many happy years. Up to that point, I had worked in education for 25 years, 18 of them at Priory. My understanding of the school and its community is, I feel, an advantage in my position as chair and gives me a greater insight into the needs of the school and its wider community. I have built up many strong relationships with children, parents/carers and staff and believe this makes me approachable by all stakeholders. I am so pleased to be still involved in Priory School, albeit from a different angle.

Brian Comerford 

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

I became Chair of Governors at Primary Priory School in 2022, after a short period as a co-opted governor. I am also a Community Governor at the Ormiston Maritime Academy in Grimsby. 

I left full-time employment at nearby Ideal Standard in spring 2020 after 36 years. Where I worked in the Marketing Department gaining extensive experience working in team leadership roles developing coaching and training capabilities. Prior to this I spent a couple years working for the Health Education Centre of the East Dorset Health Authority.


A member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Chartered Society of Designers.

Joe Tomlinson  

Role: Vice Chair of Governors
Business Interests: None

As a lifelong resident of Hull my education journey took me from Gillshill Primary School to the city’s University. I have always had a keen interest and passion for playing sport running in tandem with this and in my working life, have been able to combine the two, which has proven hugely fulfilling.

Initially working as a PE Coordinator and teacher at Collingwood Primary School, I moved on to undertake a variety of roles at The Football Association supporting children and the teachers and coaches who work with them. I now lead Physical Foundations in helping a variety of schools develop their Physical Education Curriculum and activity offer.

As a governor I enjoy seeing and supporting the way that Priory engages, empowers and embeds it’s curriculum and many other aspects of school life to its community.

Alyson Thompson   

Role: Headteacher
Business Interests: None

Tracey Parkinson    

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

I’ve been a member of Priory Primary’s Governing Body for the last 13 years. I worked at the school for almost 20 years as a Teaching Assistant, based across various year groups before deciding to take early retirement in December 2021. I live locally and both of my adult sons went to Priory and I feel that the school is at the heart of the local community. Since retiring, I have become a volunteer at the school, helping and supporting in various roles. I enjoy being a part of the school’s ongoing success and hope to continue my Governor role well into the future.

Jayne Russell     

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

I have been a Governor at Priory Primary School for about 25 years. I became a member of the Governing Body just after my eldest son started the school - both my sons attended Priory. I have seen a lot of changes in the role of being a Governor over the years. I enjoy being part of the running of the school and being able to contribute to the schools successes. I have worked for the Department of Work and Pensions for 32 years as an Executive Officer, I work in one of the local Job Centres as a Work Coach and sometimes the transferable skills of my job role and that of a Governor is valuable. I also have links within the local community as I am a Beaver Scout Leader at the local Church.

Janet Woodmansey      

Role: Parent Governor
Business Interests: None

I have three adult children and whilst they were at school I was parent Governor. I now have three grandchildren, two at Priory Primary and another to come and feel I have the time to give to the school governor team. I have my grandchildren on a daily school term basis as Mum is a teacher, we bring them to school/nursery and collect them: often caring for them on non-school days too. I have an interest in their education and the life of the school.

My work history has been two spells as a Police Constable including Vulnerable Victim Officer and Child Interviewer, I was also Safeguarding representative at my local church for a while. I am educated to BA(Hons) and did a postgraduate submission for Chartered Librarian. This was my last post before retiring, working in an adult male prison.

Allison Allinson      

Role: Staff Governor
Business Interests: None

I am the baptism secretary at my local church, as well as a senior steward, responsible for the decision-making and running of the church. I volunteer regularly as part of the HEY volunteer program, set up as part of the City of Culture in 2012. I am an active member of the WI and belong to various other groups and enjoy numerous hobbies including crafts and swimming. 
I am currently employed at Priory Primary School as an HLTA, working in every year group across the school and adapting to every situation. During my time at Priory, I have become passionate about the educational experience we can give our children to improve their well-being and in doing so, their outcomes. With my experience, I believe I can offer valuable skills and make a diverse contribution to the board of governors. 

Amy Johnson      

Role: Staff Governor
Business Interests: None

I have had the pleasure of working here at Priory Primary for the last 4 years; during my time here, I believe I have flourished as a teacher and a member of our school community due to the wonderful support system in place. Since starting as an NQT in 2020, I have had a plethora of opportunities for CPD and to further develop myself as a teacher, but I believe now is the perfect time for a new challenge. I would love the opportunity to be a member of our school governing body to learn more about the fundamentals of our school from a different angle as I am passionately committed to supporting the school in continuing to develop and improve, to ensure all children at Priory Primary succeed at the highest level in all areas of their school life.

Helen Richards      

Role: Parent Governor
Business Interests: None



Ellie Hodder - Parent Governor - Resigned 04/09/24

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