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Attendance policy :-

Please click here to view our Attendance Policy.


  • To raise awareness amongst pupils, parents, staff and governors of the importance of good attendance and punctuality

  • To raise and maintain levels of attendance in school amongst pupils;

  • To reduce, to minimal levels, the number of unauthorised absences; including late arrivals after registration has closed;

  • To address and reduce the number of pupils with persistent absences.

How We Record Absence

Absences are recorded as authorised or unauthorised.

A child too ill to come to school, whose parents/carers inform us of their absence, will receive an authorised absence mark. A child who is not in school and whose parents/carers have not contacted school regarding the absence will receive an unauthorised absence mark. An unauthorised mark will also be recorded if the nature of the absence was unacceptable. Attendance is monitored by Miss Adams and Mrs Tilson who will contact parents to address persistent absences. If the number of unauthorised absences for a child reaches 20 Sessions (1 day = 2 sessions) in a term, the Local Authority expect the school to issue a penalty warning letter and the absence will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.

Attendance Targets

Outstanding attendance is 100%.

Good attendance is any attendance between 96% and 99%.

Cause for concern attendance is between 90% and 95%.

Poor attendance is any attendance below 90%. 


Parents/Carers must contact school on the day of the absence. This can be done by a phone call to school, emailing school ( or a verbal message.


Wherever possible appointments should be made outside school hours. If this is not possible please inform the school office. Your child must return to school after the appointment.


No holidays should be taken during school time as this will be classed as an unauthorised absence. We will only authorise this in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised holiday absences will result in a penalty notice of £60 per adult per child.

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